Sunday, May 07, 2006

Tip of the Day: Grocery lists

It drives me nuts when my family wanders by and tells me we need this and such from the gorcery store and I have no grocery list in my hand! Usually that stuff gets forgotten and requires another trip to the store.

We solve the problem with a $5 white board from Walmart. I have an 8x11 white board on magnets on the fridge. Who ever notices we need something simply writes it on the board and I check it before I go to the store.

It has worked for us, and anything that makes life a little easier is worth sharing.


Anonymous said...

Growing up, my mother had the grocery list on the counter by the phone/calender etc and when we noticed we were out of something, or wanted something we wrote it down.

Interesting idea tho!

Anonymous said...

we have a pad of paper magnet on our fridge... when we notice something is needed or almost out, we write it on that and then I take that list shopping with me.