Sunday, May 07, 2006

Gadget du jour: Rice cooker

My mother loved gadgets in the kitchen. Touble was, it didn't take long to run out of storage place and the gadgets became more trouble than they were worth. So, I am not big on gadgets in the kitchen.

There are however, some gadgets that really are worth the cabinet space they take. This is one. It was a Christmas present from my mother-in-law, a Black and Decker rice cooker.

Basically it is like a crock pot, you put the rice and water it in and turn it on. It takes over from there and cooks the rice with no attention or fuss from you. It's great, the rice is never burned, never crunchy and I get the space on the stove freed up for other purposes. What more can you ask?

This one is definitely worth the space it takes in the cabinet.


samurai said...

We have a "Pampered Chef" rice cooker for the microwave. Not husband proof, but it does a pretty good job.

I like you gadget thingie though! :0

Heather said...

I received this rice cooker for our wedding. It has been wonderful. I can finally make rice that isn't sticky or soggy!

Brent said...

We got not one but TWO rice cookers as wedding presents. I haven't made rice in a pot since we've been married as a result. Definitely a lovely appliance to have!

Anonymous said...

I got to say I LOVE my rice cooker. It's a cheapy White Westinghouse, I've had for YEARS, have to watch it tho, (for the light) and then wait. But it still does its job.

Jessica said...

I continued to make my rice the old fashioned way...until we moved to Taiwan! Now we eat so much of it, and our kitchen is so tiny (two burners) that I don't want to use a whole burner just for cooking the rice. I suffered (= through the first 2 months here with no rice cooker.

But now we have one....and it's awesome. It's so effortless (not only do I have just a two burner stove, but they are also older style gas burners...difficult to adjust to a low enough temp for cooking rice without the flame going out!). So now, the burners are free for whatever other yumminess is being cooked (usually, THAI food).

All that to say...I agree with you. This is one gadget that is well worth it.
