Thursday, December 01, 2005

Dinner in 20: Black Bean Quesadillas

You can take the Santa Fe Corn your kids just made (see post below) and turn it into a quick dinner!

Black Bean Quesadillas

Heat a nonstick skillet over medium heat. Place your favorite kind of tortilla in the skillet. top with a little cheese, a couple spoon fulls of Santa Fe Corn and a little more cheese. Add another tortilla on top. Heat until the cheese starts to melt and tortilla starts to toast. Flip carefully and heat to toast the other tortilla.

Serve whole or cut into pieces. You can dip them in sour cream, salsa or guacamole if you like.

For the Little League...

I have three sons. We are a family of five. At the moment I am cooking for seven and I doubt it is going to get any better anytime soon. Everyone has always told me that boys EAT. I didn't believe them, notice the past tense here. I do now.

Luckily, the boys have noticed this little correlation between food and cooking. Specifically cooking seems to have to happen in order to have food. So, now they are getting interested in cooking. I think that is a good thing.

So, I keep my eyes out for kid friendly recipes. That is ones they will eat and ones they can help with and not wind up in the emergency room as a result. Here's one any kid that can work a can opener can do. And it actually tastes good too:

Santa Fe Corn

Mix: 2 cans drained corn, 1 can drained and rinsed black beans and 1 can diced tomatoes, also drained. Heat using your favorite methods.

If you like it with a little kick, use seasoned tomatoes.

This is good over yellow rice, topped with some cheese.