Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Dinner in 20:Honey Dijon Pork Chops

Ever have one of those weeks when you feel like you've just hit a wall? This was one of those for me. I got to a point where the thought of cooking one more meal was more than I could tolerate! So KISS (keep it simple stupid!) has been the ordder of the week.

Tonight for dinner we had: Honey Dijon Pork Chops, Parsleyed Pasta, corn (frozen) and apple sauce. And it came togeher in just 20 minutes.

The corn and applesauce are obvious. The pasta and chops cook at the same time.

Start the water boiling and set out a large skillet for the chops. When the water starts to boil, put the chops in the skillet on medium high heat. Add the pasta to the water. While it cooks, brown both sides of the chops and heat up the corn on the stove or in the microwave.

When the pasta is done, drain it. While it drains, top the chops with a good dollop of Honey-Dijon salad dressing. Turn down the heat to medium low and put a lid on the skillet.

Return the pasta to the pot. Add the butter, parsley and salt to the pasta and toss well. By the time you get everything else to the table, the chops will be done. Give the pan juices and dressing a little stir and you're done.

Start serving and you should have a minute left from your 20!

The nice thing about this meal is that my kids really really like it. My youngest actually had 5 servings of pasta and they all but fought over the extra pork chop. That all makes it a little easier to face dinner again tomorrow night.

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