Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Happy happy happy!

Many eons and two children ago we had a macintosh computer. And back in those days I got it into my craw to put ALL my recipies into the computer. I did it an dprinted out pretty recipe cards and laminated them.

Then the computer died. And the makers of the recipe program I used flaked and there was NO way to port the recipies to ANY other program, much less a PC.

I was not a happy camper.

My husband, our resident alpha geek managed to get the dying computer/program to print all the recipes to a text file. Then the computer was toast.

Well,I just found the text file! Somewhere along the line, my husband managed to convert the text file into something our PC could read. AND MasterCook, where I keep all my recipes now will let me import text into the files! It will take a little fiddling, but now I don't have to retype all my recipe cards into the computer! And I can quit worrying about whether I can find another copy of some of those recipes if the card gets lost!

I never expected to be able to recover all that work so I'm just tickled!

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